Anyone With A Fatty, Sluggish Or Toxic Liver Needs To Know About Nutraceuticals

Maintaining proper liver function ensures the body can rid itself of heavy metals, pollutants, and other toxins.  Supporting liver health is the key to maintaining good health and well-being. As we age, the liver functions gradually decline, which emphasizes the importance of liver support. Using nutraceuticals and herbs that boost liver health are the best way to keep your liver functioning at peak capacity.

Supplementing for Liver Health is Vital
Environmental toxins, which are highly concerning these days, are difficult to avoid.  Pollutants like pesticides not only affect the food we consume but the air we breathe and the water we drink too. What`s more even when eating organic food, the soil is always contaminated with these detrimental chemicals.

Our bodies are simply unable to keep up with the toxic burden of our modern world.  In addition to environmental toxins which are virtually unavoidable, pharmaceutical medications and toxins which are a byproduct of cellular energy production are a huge concern too.

Given that the food items we consume today don’t have the same nutritional profile as they did a few decades ago, a healthy diet is not enough to keep optimal liver health. This is why supplementing for liver health is more than necessary.


1. Selenium

Selenium is a mineral which plays a significant role in glutathione levels in the body because it takes part in the methylation cycle. Recycling antioxidants in the body stimulate the detoxification process.

It has been scientifically shown that regular supplementation with selenium helps prevent liver damage and lower the risk of cancer.

2. N Acetyl-L-Cysteine

Typically used to treat acute acetaminophen poisoning, this supplement can notably improve glutathione levels in the liver. According to a 2009 study on animals that had part of their liver removed, NAC helped boost the regeneration of healthy liver cells.  So, this study showed that in addition to improving the antioxidant content of the liver, NAC also regenerates liver tissue.

3. L-Glutathione

L-glutathione is the most abundant antioxidant in the body and it is critical for maintaining proper immune function and fighting oxidative stress. Given that glutathione is body`s major detoxifier, it`s no wonder that most of it is situated in the liver.

The levels of glutathione start do gradually decline as we reach adulthood and are further even more depleted as the toxic burden becomes too great.  The body utilizes it to protect itself from threats, which is the reason why maintaining healthy glutathione levels is of utmost importance.

4. Milk Thistle Extract

Supporting detoxification and live function is much easier with milk thistle extract, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.  Just like NAC,  this extract helps regenerate liver cells and prevent any further damage from bombardment of toxins we are faced with daily.

5. Dandelion

Dandelion roots have been long used to treat liver problems, even by Native Americans who swore by its efficacy in regard to treating swelling, kidney disease, liver problems, upset stomach, and even skin problems.  In Chinese medicine, this herb has been used to treat appendicitis, breast problems like inflammation, and stomach problems.  As for Europe, people used it to treat diabetes, diarrhea, eye problems, diarrhea, and fever.

6. Licorice Root

Also known as glycyrrhizin, licorice root has been found to effectively treat chronic hepatitis C and liver cancer, according to researcher Mark Zern, MD.

Licorice root is found in the form of tea, tablets, capsules, and liquid extracts, all of which contain glycyrrhizin, the biologically active component of licorice — glycyrrhizinate licorice — a derivative of glycyrrhizin.  The treatment depends on family history, allergies, age, and overall health.

7. Burdock Root

Burdock root is one of the best herbs when it comes to detoxifying the liver. British herbalists turn to it for eruptions of the neck, head, and face.  It is packed with anti-inflammatory agents like flavonoids, lignins, and bitter glycosides, so this doesn’t come as surprise.

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