Protect Yourself From Cell Phone Radiation With Rosemary

It is a well-known fact that using cell phones exposes us to unhealthy levels of radiation. However, few of us are aware of the dangers associated with such high levels of radiation. When built up over time, radiation exposure can even lead to cancer, weakened immune system, and DNA damage, which disrupts protein production and cell growth.  Back in 2011, cell phone radiation was classified as “possible human carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Multiple studies have shown that mobile phone radiation tends to change and damage DNA very quickly. According to a 6-year industry study, human blood exposure to phone radiation led to 300 % increase in genetic damage in micronuclei, which goes to show that mobile phone radiation is even greater health threat than asbestos and smoking.

Radiation Health Dangers

George Carlo, PhD, JD, is an epidemiologist and medical scientist who conducted the first telecommunications industry-backed studies into the dangers associated with cell phone usage.  This program remains the largest in the history of the issue, but this man managed to reveal the preventable health hazards linked with cell phone use.

The amount of time spent on the phone doesn’t matter, according to Dr. Carlo, since the danger mechanism is stimulated within seconds.

Here are some of the radiation health dangers Dr. Carlo`s program has revealed:

  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Chronic stress
  • Heart palpitations
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Digestive problems

The greatest problem regarding electromagnetic radiation (EMR) produced by cell phones is that multiple studies have associated it with the development of genetic damage and brain tumors. Unfortunately, the public is ignorant of the dangers and the media keeps revealing new studies suggesting that cell phones are safe to use.

Dr. Carlo was determined in his decision to prove this wrong, although he soon found that all the parties involved had underlying motives.

“The industry wanted an insurance policy and to have the government come out and say everything was fine. The FDA, which looked bad because it didn’t require pre-market testing, could be seen as taking steps to remedy that. By ordering the study, law makers appeared to be doing something. Everyone had a chance to wear a white hat,” he explains.

Protect Yourself from Cell phone Radiation with Rosemary

The good news is that radiation can be eliminated from the body through various natural methods, such as rosemary and rosemary essential oil, both of which contain potent antioxidant properties against radiation damage.

Back in 2009, the British Journal of Radiology found that carnosol and carnosic acid present in rosemary “provide highly significant protective anti-mutagenic activity”.  Rosmarinic acid serves as a photoprotector by feeding on the free radicals and destroying them as well as by acting as an endogenous defense mechanism.  It was found that the formulation of toxin production was significantly slowed down by the use of rosmarinic acid and the protective factors were up to 3.34 times greater compared to the other compounds studied in the micronucleus testing.

How to Use it:

Make rosemary tea


  • 2 cups boiled water
  • 2-3 tsp rosemary leaves, finely chopped


  • Pour the boiled water over the chopped rosemary
  • Let it steep for a few minutes

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