This Type Of Milk Heals Ibs, Crohn’s, Leaky Gut, Allergies, Eczema, Arthritis And Asthma

Dairy products are quite difficult for the body to digest and for some people, cow`s milk can be inflammatory, even more than gluten.

Many people become victims of the negative effects from consuming pasteurized cow`s milk without even being aware of it.

On the other hand, goat`s milk is far healthier choice due the fact that it is healing and lowers the incidence of digestive problems and allergies.

Nutritional Values Of Goat’s Milk

Although a great deal of the Western world consumes cow`s milk and experiences inflammatory issues, goat`s milk is consumed in the rest of the world, mostly for its robust nutritional profile.

A glass of goat’s milk contains:

  • Calories: 168
  • Cholesterol: 27 milligrams / 9 % DV
  • Sugars: 11 grams
  • Saturated Fat: 6.5 grams / 33 % DV*
  • Carbohydrates: 11 grams / 4 % DV
  • Protein: 10.9 grams /4 % DV
  • Sodium: 12 milligrams / 5 % DV


  • Vitamin A: 483 IU / 10 % DV
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.3 milligrams / 20 % DV
  • Vitamin C: 3.2 milligrams / 5 % DV
  • Vitamin D: 29.3 IU / 7 % DV


  • Copper: 0.1 milligrams / 6 percent DV
  • Zinc: 0.7 milligrams / 5 percent DV
  • Magnesium: 34.2 milligrams / 9 percent DV
  • Phosphorous: 271 milligrams / 27 percent DV
  • Calcium: 327 milligrams / 33 percent DV
  • Potassium: 498 milligrams / 14 percent DV

Health Benefits of Goat’s Milk

1. Reduces Inflammation
Inflammation is the most common cause of body aches and diseases. Studies show that reducing inflammation is one of the most important benefits of consuming goat`s milk. Therefore, apart from not causing inflammation like cow`s milk, goat milk actually reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing process.

Those who are intolerant to cow`s milk can consume goat`s milk without any problem. The reason for this is very simple: cow`s milk contains over twenty allergens, most of which are inflammatory and contribute to IBS, leaky gut, allergies, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn`s disease.

Goat`s milk, on the other hand, doesn’t contain such inflammatory-causing compounds, which makes it the closest match to mother`s breast milk.

2. Supports A Healthy Digestive And Immune System
It has been scientifically shown that goat`s milk contain potent anti-inflammatory compounds that acts as prebiotics. Some of the possible benefits are as follows:

  • improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism
  • improving and strengthening immune system
  • promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria
  • preventing inflammation-causing bacteria from staying in the stomach
  • naturally lowering “bad” cholesterol and increasing “good” cholesterol levels
  • lowering triglycerides

Goat`s milk is lower in milk sugars/ lactose than cow`s milk, meaning that it is much easier to digest for lactose intolerant individuals.

3. Prevents Cancer
If left in fridge overnight, cow`s milk will separate because of a compound called agglutinin. Manufacturers of dairy products utilize homogenization to prevent this separation, which works by forcing the fat globule cell walls of cow`s milk through small holes.

This process releases free radicals called xanthine oxidase which are known to cause a wide range of problems, such as DNA mutations that lead to cancer.

Goat`s milk, on the other hand, doesn’t contain agglutinin, so the process of homogenization is not needed. Goats are rarely given any jabs, so their milk is much safer for consumption.

4. Bio-Availability And Higher Nutrient Absorption
As already discussed above, goat`s milk composition is the closes match to human mother`s breast milk, meaning that it is very easy to be digested.

Babies allergic to cow`s milk can be safely given goat`s milk.  Cow`s milk is mucus-causing, but goat`s milk, on the other hand, is an anti-inflammatory and able to reverse this condition. However, this doesn’t mean that goat`s milk should be the sole source of baby`s food as it doesn’t contain folate and B12.

Goat`s milk helps improve nutritional deficiencies, which in turn strengthens the bones, improves eye health, prevents joint pain, improves heart health, prevents neuro-degenerative diseases, and many more.

5. Alkaline-Forming
Goat`s milk is an excellent source of potassium, which is alkaline-forming and highly beneficial for maintaining a healthy alkaline pH level in a healthy body.  It also works as antacid for the occurrence of acid reflux and similar digestive issues. On the other hand, cow`s milk lacks potassium and reacts in an acidic way in the body.

Consuming fermented products like goat`s milk kefir is a good idea as well as it helps heal leaky gut, protects against allergies, builds bone density, and many more. The fermentation process enhances the benefits of goat`s milk even more.

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