Chlorophyll Water: The Newest 'Health Drink' Said To Have Weight Loss And Other Benefits

You may remember chlorophyll from your high school biology class. Yes, it's that same pigment that we all studied about and that makes plants appear green and helps them derive energy from sunlight. When we studied chlorophyll and its functions all those years ago, we didn't know that there would come a time when people would be consuming it, due to its many touted health benefits. Technically, we all eat chlorophyll every time we eat whole fruits and vegetables. But nowadays, chlorophyll is also sold in the form of supplements that can be consumed in order to reap its purported benefits for the skin and body. Chlorophyll water is the fancy new drink that is being sold in juice bars around the world. The drink is prepared by infusing chlorophyll supplements in water and is said to be rich in micronutrients and antioxidants.

Drinking chlorophyll water is a health trend that looks like it's here to stay. Let's look at some of the claimed health benefits of chlorophyll water that have made this drink so favourable to health freaks around the world.

Chlorophyll Water Benefits

Here are some benefits that regular consumption of chlorophyll water is said to have:

1. Boosts Skin Health

Chlorophyll is said to be great for the skin. It may reduce inflammation and is said to have anti-bacterial properties. Chlorophyll may also help fight against acne, when applied topically on the affected areas.

2. Boosts Quality Of Red Blood Cells

It is believed that consumption of chlorophyll water may improve the quality of red blood cells in the body. A 2004 study showed that wheatgrass, which is made up of 70 percent of chlorophyll, reduced the number of blood transfusions required by patients of thalassemia.

3. Helps In Detoxification

Chlorophyll water, or liquid chlorophyll, is said to have the ability to bind and remove toxins and even heavy metals from the body. It is also believed to improve the alkalinity of the body due to the presence of magnesium in it.

4. Helps In Weight Loss

A 2014 study, published in the journal Appetite, says that consumption of chlorophyll resulted in greater weight loss, over a period of 12 weeks. It is also believed to decrease the craving for junk food and lower the levels of bad cholesterol, or Low Density Lipoprotein, from the blood. Weight loss benefits of chlorophyll water are substantiated by a 2013 study, published in journal Appetite, that linked the drink to satiety.

5. Effect On Tumours

Consumption of chlorophyll water is even linked to reduced risks of tumours. One particular study on animals found that chlorophyll consumption was linked to low incidence of liver cancer. The book Chlorophylls and Bacteriochlorophylls: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Functions and Applications claims that liquid chlorophyll binds to carcinogenic molecules produced in the body and helps remove them in the form of faeces.

Chlorophyll water may have become popular as a health drink, but some health experts claim that you don't need to consume the drink in order to reap all the benefits of chlorophyll. You can include more dark and leafy green vegetables and fruits in your diet, in order to reap the benefits of chlorophyll.

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