Signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome at its core is a disorder that leaves a person feeling extremely tired. Causes of chronic fatigue syndrome remain unclear, and symptoms related to the disorder are not ameliorated with increased rest. The Mayo Clinic explains that CFS is also characterized by not being able to be explained by another underlying medical condition.
There is no cure for CFS, and diagnosing it can be difficult as well because there’s not a test to confirm a diagnosis. Another problem with CFS is that doctors also aren’t sure what causes the syndrome, although many think it can be a combination of factors. If you recognize any of the signs or symptoms below, it’s important to reach out to your doctor so that she can help figure out what might be causing your chronic fatigue.

Causes of chronic fatigue

The causes of CFS still aren’t clear, but WebMD says doctors believe that chronic fatigue syndrome might start after a viral sickness or a major physical or emotional trauma. The Mayo Clinic also explains that hormone imbalances from the hypothalamus, pituitary glands or adrenal glands might also be a trigger. Immune system problems might also trigger CFS, but researchers haven’t found anything conclusive yet.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

The Mayo Clinic and WebMD explain that there are several tell-tale symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome:

  • Heavy sluggishness
  • Mental and physical exhaustion that is not ameliorated by rest
  • Emotional sensitivity as well as sensitivity to light and noise
  • Trouble focusing
  • Difficulty accessing short-term memory
  • Sporadic joint pain
  • Throat ache
  • Headaches

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

Since doctors don’t know what causes CFS, they can’t cure it. However, you can treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Treatments might include:
Antidepressants. Many times people with CFS are also depressed, so treating the depression can help with some of the problems that come along with the illness.
Sleeping pills. Sometimes sleep can be a problem with CFS, so your doctor might prescribe some sleeping aids to catch some proper zzz’s.
Therapy. The Mayo Clinic explains that some of the best treatment for CFS is a combination of light exercise and psychological counseling. In conjunction with your physician or physical therapist, you might create a personalized graded exercise regimen. Your doctor might also suggest seeking counseling to help you regain more control over your life.

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